The 4 Best Recruiting Automation Tools, Here to Make Your Job a Lot Easier

11 min readJun 17, 2021


We’re living in the age of automation. 🤖💕

The number of businesses streamlining the recruitment process with the help of software increases every year.

Created to save you time, effort, money and stress. Here are four of the best automated recruitment tools on offer.


Will Recruitment Be Automated?

The face of recruitment is changing as I type.

Why? Because recruiting automation tools will make everything 1,000 times easier for businesses like yours.

Finding a top candidate takes time.

Automating the process saves time.

Even robots can have in-built biases (yes, really 👀), and some are worried about the future of the hiring industry for exactly this reason.

Yet, the pros seem to outrank the cons and recruitment automation trends in the past few years show a pattern of growing usage.

So, if you’re looking to clean up your recruitment process and get things done efficiently and easily, we recommend you dive into the world of recruiting automation.

The Benefits of Automating Recruitment Processes

As a job ad building platform, we see a lot of company data relating to recruitment.

We know exactly “how the sausage gets made” and the amount of time that automation can save a business.

Here are some of the key benefits that come with automating your recruitment processes.

Increased Productivity

Although automation might seem like the enemy to people who recruit for a living, it isn’t.

In fact, automation of the hiring process can free up valuable time, allowing recruiters to make important decisions intelligently and quickly.

When the repetitive and simple tasks are complete, the path is clear for smart people working in recruiting to focus on more meaningful aspects of the work.

“Lost time is never found again.”

Benjamin Franklin

Reduced Cost

Wasted time equals wasted money.

If you’re paying your employees to complete tasks that a software platform could get done twice as quickly, ask yourself how that time (and, by extension, that money) would be better spent.

You can reduce recruitment costs by seeking out free recruitment software or by purchasing software that costs less than the amount you’re paying recruiters to complete the same work.

Quicker Hires

With automated recruitment processes in place, everything can move at double speed.

Candidates can be filtered, pre-screened and assessed, while interviews can be scheduled.

It’s easy to underestimate how much time you can save with recruiting automation tools.

But here’s an example:

At AdBuilder, we were able to help Coburg Banks’ experienced recruitment team reduce the time it took them to write a job advert by 35 full minutes.

To clarify, that’s 35 minutes per job post.

Streamlining the process can save a LOT of time in the long run.

It’s especially useful for companies that are hiring multiple people simultaneously.

Better Hires

In a 2019 Trends Report from Entelo, 72% of recruiters said they needed intelligent tools to process candidate data.

Lots of the available automated recruitment tools are designed to do exactly this.

And what happens when you automatically filter out unsuitable clients using an objective, unbiased screening process?

As you might have guessed, the most suitable person for the job becomes more likely to get the job. 🥳

Improved Candidate Experience

Streamlining the process doesn’t just suit recruiters.

When you free up your employees to complete the important work, applicants receive faster responses and hiring decisions are made more quickly.

89% of jobseekers believe it’s essential for an employer to have a clear mission and purpose.

And with standardised, automated recruitment processes in place, you’ll be able to show off this vision from the get-go.

How to Automate Recruitment Processes

Automating your recruitment system won’t be easy, but when it saves you eons of time down the line, you’ll be thankful for the work you put in here and now.

When you’re figuring out how to automate and what tools to use, there’s a lot to think about.

Luckily, we’re here to help you do exactly that.

Here are our top four recruiting automation tools.

Each one will help you with a different part of the rocket trip of recruitment, from fuelling up to taking off. 🚀

Recruiting Automation Tool #1 — Applicant Tracking with Bullhorn 📢

What Is an Applicant Tracking System?

Applicant tracking systems (ATS), otherwise known as talent management systems, are databases of information that contain everything you need to know about a candidate.

It all goes on the system in a structured and searchable format.

We’re talking:

  • CVs and cover letters
  • Contact information
  • Experience levels
  • Educational backgrounds

With all that info in reach, applications are easy for hiring managers to review.

You can use the company’s applicant tracking system to rank candidates and send automated rejections, assessment invitations and interview invitations.

As far as recruiting automation tools go, an ATS is one of the most used.

What About Bullhorn?

This kind of organised, versatile recruitment tool is offered by many different brands.

However, Bullhorn’s industry-leading ATS is more than just a database.

Producing results up to 40% faster than other providers, Bullhorn’s software builds candidate management into the experience.

Bullhorn’s ATS has a range of unique features, all the way from candidate sourcing to candidate hiring.

Here are the six key features:

  • The applicant database.
  • The mobile recruitment software.
  • The passive candidate activity tracking.
  • The email integration.
  • The recruitment data and analytics.
  • The LinkedIn Recruiter integration.

Applicant Tracking System Advantages 👍

Using an ATS will save your business precious time and lower the likelihood of human error impacting the hiring process.

The digital and automatic collection of all that data will save candidates time and improve the application process too.

Most of all, an ATS will make your candidates searchable, filterable and sortable.

Information won’t ever be missing or hard to find.

Nobody will be lost in the shuffle.

Applicant Tracking System Disadvantages 👎

Free recruitment software is available, but many ATS providers will cost you.

And some will cost you a pretty penny.

You’ll need to think carefully before you make that all-important call. 🤳⁉️

Is an applicant tracking system the right move for a business or agency like yours?

How many applicants do you need to keep track of at one time?

How many job postings are you usually filling at one time?

For small businesses, an ATS might be overkill.

There’s also the possibility of the technology running into trouble.

A CV might not scan correctly and the software might write this candidate off.

Or a candidate might keyword hack to set themselves apart from other applicants.

Recruiting Automation Tool #2 — Job Aggregation via Indeed ℹ️

What is a Job Aggregator?

When we’re talking about places where job adverts are collected online, there are two types of site on the menu:

Job aggregators and job boards.

An ATS can be programmed to post all your job adverts to listings sites like these, automating the recruitment process from the off.

So, what’s the difference between an aggregator and a board?

1. Job aggregators

Job aggregators pull listings from all over the internet and put them in a central, searchable location for candidates to browse.

✅ Hiring managers don’t need to pay to get their job opportunity listed on job aggregation sites.

❌ There are LOTS of listings on job aggregation sites, making it harder for your job advert to get noticed in the rest of the noise.

2. Job boards

Job boards don’t search the internet for jobs using an automated system. Instead, job boards only post job opportunities for companies who have paid to advertise with them.

✅ The volume of job adverts on a job board will be lower, and when candidates come to the site, they’ll be more likely to see your listing.

❌ With limited job opportunities available, fewer candidates will come to the site.

Why Indeed?

Indeed is both a job board and a job aggregator, offering hiring managers free and paid-for space on the site.

According to Indeed analytics, sponsored listings receive up to 3.5x more clicks.

Indeed is also widely considered one of the best job aggregators available and extremely popular with jobseekers.

In fact, six out of 10 online jobseekers in the UK go to Indeed every month.

Here are the recruitment tools that Indeed offers to hiring teams:

  • The ability to post jobs to the site (either free or sponsored).
  • The ability to search over 175 million CVs that have been uploaded to the site and target various factors like industry, education and location.
  • Mobile recruitment software.
  • The chance to pay for a spot as a “Featured Employer” on the site.
  • The option to claim your company page and add details to it like a description, a logo and photos.
  • Indeed IQ campaign management and optimisation.
  • Candidate assessments.

Job Aggregator Advantages 👍

Job aggregators bring a huge range of employment opportunities together in one place and expose them to the widest possible number of potential applicants.

As I’ve mentioned above, an applicant tracking system can automate the job listing process for your business by sharing all your job adverts directly to sites like Indeed, Glassdoor and CareerBuilder.

Job Aggregator Disadvantages 👎

The high-volume approach of a job aggregator might mean that you get a lot of different applications for a role, but it won’t necessarily mean that these applications come from the right person.

If you’re paying to boost your listings on these kinds of sites, you’ll need to invest in some type of pre-screening technology. 💸

Otherwise, you’ll be sorting through hundreds (or even thousands) of unsuitable applications every time you list a role.

🧐 Recruiting Automation Tool #3 — Predictive Hiring Technology from AssessFirst 🧐

What is Predictive Hiring?

One of the biggest trends in recruitment automation right now is something called “predictive hiring”, and it’s some pretty futuristic, algorithm-heavy stuff.

Predictive hiring is a type of recruitment tool that uses predictive analytics and data to recommend the best candidates to recruiters.

Predictive hiring determines likely future outcomes using:

  • Historical data 🦕
  • Psychometric testing 🧪
  • Statistical algorithms 🧮
  • Machine learning techniques 🦾

Performance is predicted based on a candidate’s personality traits, motivations and cognitive reasoning skills.

Traditional hiring decisions are made based on what has happened in the past, but predictive hiring allows decisions to account for what is statistically likely to happen in the future.

What do AssessFirst offer?

AssessFirst will pull together all the information that you need to figure out the true potential of each candidate for the role you’re trying to fill.

The company’s unique predictive hiring algorithms interpret over 200 different criteria to produce results.

AssessFirst can help you to:

  • Develop the ideal candidate profile.
  • Set up a recruitment campaign for the role you’re trying to fill.
  • Assess candidates for the role.
  • Narrow things down to the best of the bunch (using detailed tools like individual trait evaluation).
  • Discover management insights and strategies suited to each candidate to determine their fit with the existing team.

You can book an AssessFirst software demo right here.

Predictive Hiring Advantages 👍

Predictive hiring can improve the quality of candidate that ends up in the role and ensure they’re the best possible fit for your team.

The recruitment software can also remove the conscious and unconscious hiring biases of recruiters from the equation.

Although, algorithms are programmed by human beings and are not immune to bias.

Predictive Hiring Disadvantages 👎

Another potential disadvantage to investing in this kind of recruiting automation tool is that it all depends on a hiring manager’s ability to determine and search for the right candidate characteristics in the first place.

To make sure that your predictive algorithms are finding quality candidates, you’ll need to narrow down desirable candidate traits based on data, facts and evidence, rather than feelings or judgements.

Recruiting Automation Tool #4 — Job Advert Building with AdBuilder 🧱

What is a job advert building platform?

Whether you’re new to writing job adverts or have been doing it for years, it can be a long-winded process.

But with AdBuilder it takes just 10 minutes.

Our ad building platform is simple to understand and designed to create fully optimised job adverts that rank at the top of job boards without taking up too much of your valuable time.

This easy-to-implement software service can kick things off in the best way possible, tying in with the other recruiting automation tools listed above. ⬆️

Why choose AdBuilder?

So, why us?

What exactly do we offer our clients?

At AdBuilder, our platform crafts professional, intelligent job adverts out of your answers.

Our fully automated service can be completed about six times as quickly as writing a job advert from scratch and will maximise visibility.

No more sitting around staring at the blinking cursor on the blank screen.

Just answer a few questions and away you go.

You don’t have to worry about keywords, unconscious bias, and using gender-coded language either.

We’ve got you covered.

There are two uniquely tailored versions of AdBuilder.

One for direct employers and one for recruitment agencies.

If you’re interested in our unique advert building service, you can complete a 7-day free trial to get a feel for the software.

Job Advert Builder Advantages 👍

With AdBuilder, you can create high-quality job adverts quickly.

You’ll send company levels of productivity through the roof by cutting the process of writing job advertisements from scratch.

Our fully automated, fully optimised system is one the most innovative, easy-to-use recruitment tools on the market.

If you’re wondering how to automate the recruitment process, why not start right at the beginning?

Before you dive into the world of applicant tracking, nail the advert that brings all the candidates to the yard.

Job Advert Builder Disadvantages 👎

Like any recruiting automation tool, learning to use another tool can seem like a pain in the backside.

As the recruitment sector continues to innovate and change, some managers and employees will struggle to get to grips with new tech.

If there’s hesitance in your team about investing in our software, be sure to emphasise the ease of use that we’re proud to provide.

Maybe even consider demonstrating the service to your co-workers, so that they can see it in action.

“At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done, then they begin to hope it can be done, then they see it can be done — then it is done and all the world wonders why it was not done centuries ago.”

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Final Words of Wisdom 🧙‍♂️

If your brain sponge still has room to soak up more helpful recruitment insights, check out some of our other content.




AdBuilder helps companies write incredible job adverts that attract brilliant people, in less than 10 minutes with our revolutionary software!